Renters Insurance in and around Springfield
Springfield renters, State Farm has insurance for you, too
Your belongings say p-lease and thank you to renters insurance

Would you like to create a personalized renters quote?
Protecting What You Own In Your Rental Home
Think about all the stuff you own, from your TV to dresser to silverware to sports equipment. It adds up! These possessions could need protection too. For renters insurance with State Farm, you've come to the right place.
Springfield renters, State Farm has insurance for you, too
Your belongings say p-lease and thank you to renters insurance

Safeguard Your Personal Assets
When renting makes the most sense for you, State Farm can help cover what you do own. State Farm agent Jeff DiBlasi can help you build a policy for when the unanticipated, like a water leak or a fire, affects your personal belongings.
There's no better time than the present! Contact Jeff DiBlasi's office today to help make life go right in your rented home.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Jeff at (610) 544-1900 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
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Jeff DiBlasi
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Getting rid of dust in your house
Getting rid of dust in your house
A dusty home can make asthma and allergy sufferers uncomfortable. Discover tips to help reduce or eliminate the amount of dust in your house.
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Insurance issues to consider when hosting a house party
Having the right amount of insurance can help protect you when you're hosting a party. Use these tips to make sure you're covered.